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FlexiSpy Review 2024 from a Real User

flexispy reviews

FelxiSpy Review (Updated 2022)

So here I am ready to review Flexispy which happens to be the most talked-about spy software currently after its up-gradation recently in July 2016. But then the questions arise to the mind is it safe enough? Is the price worth it?

I will try to give you a fair impression of what I think about the software but let me first give you an explanation of the software.


What is FlexiSpy all about?

Flexispy is an old, the most useful and advanced spy software you are to come across. They have updated the look and feel of the website and user interface to make it user-friendly for customers.

It works silently in the background of your cellular device or tablet. Currently, it is the most popular smartphone tracking software because of its remarkable basic features as well as advanced ones including call recording and call interception. I’ve personally used the software and currently, it’s installed on my device. I have certainly gone through those steps before giving out my opinion.

Flexispy monitoring solution requires you to physically download the software to your smartphone or tablet that has to be monitored and then keep a check through a provided online portal.

Check Out FlexiSpy Website For a Full Run Down

Flexispy Compatibility

I was pretty amazed by how Flexispy is able to cater to all types of smartphones. The app is available for Android users of versions 4.0.3 to 12.0 And iOS users are covered up to version 15.x.x.

  • Android devices up to 12.0
  • iOS devices up to 15.x.x

A point to be kept in mind all these versions should not be locked by a passcode. This is required so that the software when installed gets access to root permissions while installation and runs in full mode.

Flexispy Features

The spy software market is highly competitive and is coming out with updated versions all the time but Flexispy remains ahead in terms of its reliability and excellent features. The software is downloaded and installed as you would to any other app.

Flexispy is available in two packages which are Flexispy premium and Flexispy extreme. The premium version includes the basics that are available in most spy software of course.

However, major key features such as call interception and call recording are only available in the premium version which consequently costs more. Flexispy isn’t the best spy software just like that. The range of functions and options make it unique and most importantly reliable.


Below are some functions of Flexispy:

Call Recording

This is one of the most distinct and useful features in my viewpoint. It works great on any phone or carrier having a decent connection. In my experience, I did not face any problems as such. All the recorded calls were saved to the control center and had the option of being downloaded onto the laptop or your cell phone.

The best part is you don’t have to listen to every recording as there is the option of listening to specific numbers. 

Spy on IM Apps

We all know how integral social media and instant messaging have become in our lives for communication and it is Flexispy who has targeted the need for monitoring social media and such activities. Flexispy monitors 13 IM apps including Facebook, Messenger, Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, iMessage and so on.

Password Cracker

This feature can be bought separately but it comes in handy a lot once the software is already working. It allows you to keep a track of all passwords and pins for not only the phone but Messenger sites as well.

Location Tracking

Flexispy gives real-time tracking telling you where the phone exactly is and also gives a historical account of where the phone has been. The option of Alerts allows you to get an update when the phone enters a specific area and so on.

This feature is the most sought and gives much help when you need to spy on one’s activities.

Control Centre

The control center interface has been totally revised and is quite amazing. Everything is laid out so you understand more effectively and gain more control while using the app.

Check out all features of Flexispy here

Pros and Cons

I certainly feel that I should mention both pros of cons of the software for users who intends to use Flexispy. Pros are more as they keep updating the website with new features.


  • Live call interception

The feature is the most valuable one and gives amazing results.

  • Compatibility with software

Flexispy is extremely compatible. You don’t have to worry at all whether your phone or the person you want to spy on will have the required software requirements for the installation of the app. Flexispy caters to all major companies.

  • Flexispy software license is transferable

If you happen to be on Android and are now going to apple Flexispy allows you to transfer your existing license because the company understands upgrading and changing a phone can happen.


  • Unable to block numbers
  • Swipe feature
  • price
  • can be installed only on jailbroken iOS devices

How is FlexiSpy Different from Others?

Currently, Flexispy is the only spy software that is deemed to be legitimate. Also, the services provided by Flexispy such as call recording and interception are not available in any other software.

mSpy and MobiStelath do not offer these two features. Many other soft wares have not been able to withstand this market and have lost to Flexispy.

FlexiSpy Dashboard

flexispy login

Prices and Customer Support

To be honest the premium service has a great value and competes well for money in terms of features with other brands and it does provide features that are good enough to work with. However, the extreme package may seem to be costly but if you think in terms of value it is certainly worth it.

You should not be forgetting that it is the only software providing call recording and interception facilities and another added advantage is that since the company is not U.S based you are waived off from paying additional taxes so basically you’re paying for what you see.

Flexispy has a very high score in terms of support and service.

Many complaints regarding spy software services are that they lack in giving a quick response to users. However, Flexispy has a chat message service in which you can post queries.

Also, many installation videos are available to help you get the hang of the software. You can even avail the 10-day refund policy if you are not satisfied.

All in all, Flexispy does great work and you surely get the support worth the price you pay.

FlexiSpy: The Preview

Flexispy stands out in terms of usage, design, and support. It is your choice to spend on what you want to monitor as you will certainly gain from the price you pay. I would definitely recommend this spy software over any other day.

However, if you do not wish to pay a high price you can go for other spy software in the market which will not have the same features but still might get your job done for you.

Click here to visit Flexispy Website