Tag Archives: best iphone spy apps without jailbreaking

How to Spy on iPhone without Physical Access to Target Phone?

iphone spy apps without access to phone

iPhone spy without access to target phone

Every parent lately is concerned about their child’s online activities; however, they are also facing a challenge when it comes to getting hold of their phone and installing spyware on it.

Many of us find ourselves wondering that if we have legit access to the kid’s phone, would there be a need to install spyware on it in the first place? I personally am a total noob at spyware technology, how do I manage to monitor my child’s phone without access to phone and without a lot of technological pot-pie stirring the life out of me?


Updated: January 2020!

How can you spy on iPhone without target phone?

mSpy enables you to spy on iPhone without physical access to the target phone. You might be thinking how can you do the job? Yes! mSpy no-jailbreak solution gives you remote access to the target device. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to tap the phone’s activity.

All you need to have iCloud credentials to monitor iPhone.



What is jailbreak?

A jailbreak is simply removing software restrictions from iPhone, imposed by the iOS operating system. Read more here

Does it harm my phone?

Well, yes. The truth is that no damage can come out of jailbreak. Your phone will not stop working and all the data needs to be removed is restored in the phone, technically it’s called getting ‘bricked’. Also, the warranty gets voided as Apple has made it illegal to Jailbreak your phone. Additionally, there are security concerns and jailbreak phones are reported to have bugs at times.


How to spy on iPhone without having the phone?

mSpy and Mobistealth are the two iPhone spy apps that are providing solutions to all your surveillance needs. These are not only the best iPhone spy apps, but they are also providing you spyware which allows you to spy on iPhone without having the phone.

Read on How iPhone Spy without jailbroken works?

1. mSpy

spy now

How does it work?

The only way to iPhone spy without access to the target phone is by a remote method. Confused about how this works? Basically, you download the app on your PC and enter your child’s Apple ID and password on the iCloud.

You can now spy on camera and intercept text messages without target phone, and any other activity as it will be uploaded to your online account. In short, everything that your child does on his phone will be available to you, remotely using their Apple account info.


If I install these apps, what will I have access to?

mspy login

mSpy is one of the simplest and easy to use spy apps in the market, without jailbreak it enables you to access the following features on ALL iOS versions.  

  • SMS and Call History

You can get a log of all the messages sent and received, along with the calls made, time and duration. This feature enables you to get the log of whoever your child contacts and the content of the conversation.

  •  WhatsApp, Skype, Kik, Line, Snapchat and Viber Chats

These IM apps have taken the adolescent world by storm and are counted as the apps in which most inappropriate content is shared. Now you can ensure your child’s safety by monitoring their activities using a remote computer with mSpy or Mobistealth installed on it.

  •  Phone Contacts

Get the details of your child’s contact list and ensure they are not interacting with strangers or disclosing personal information to internet predators.

  •  Multimedia Files – Pictures and Videos

Every single photo taken, sent and received will now be visible to you on your computer, to monitor at will.

  • Browser History

Keep your eyes on what your child is doing on the internet, at ALL times!

  • Calendar Events

Get access to your child’s upcoming and planned events. Know if they’re lying to you the next time they sneak out making lame excuses for a party!

  • Notes

Keep check of your child’s to-do lists with this added feature!

  • Wi-Fi networks

You can find out whichever wifi network your child connects to, and the time durations. No more lying about doing an assignment while secretly browsing Facebook, little ones!

  • Installed apps

All the apps installed on your child’s phones will be known to you, so the next time you’ve warned your child not to use Kik or Snapchat, you will now know if they do!

mSpy is one of the most popular spy apps in the market because of its easy user interface and definitely a great app for the no-jailbreak solution as well.


mspy for iphone ipad no jailbreak solution


2. MobiStealth

Using Mobistealth on devices running iOS 9 and above gives you access to the following features:

  • SMS and Call History

Get a complete log of text messages and calls made by your kid. 

  •  WhatsApp, Skype, Kik, Line and Viber Chats

The most notorious apps in the market, now under your close monitoring on your child’s phone.

  • Contacts

Choose and control who your child interacts with by getting all their contact info.

  • Pictures

Get every single photo taken and received on your PC for monitoring.

  • Location Tracking

Now with you can get coordinates of your child’s location and know they are where they’ve told you they are at, and no more sneaking behind your back!


So even without Jailbreak, I am all set for my surveillance needs now!

iPhone spying without jailbreak and iPhone spy without access has never been more convenient than now. With spyware for iPhone without access to target phone from mSpy and Mobistealth now available to suit all your surveillance needs and keep your kids’ activities under control!


Editor’s Pick: mSpy app

Try mSpy and monitor iPhone without jailbreaking

Supported Versions: All iOS versions

Bottom Lines…

Stop fussing, and start controlling now! All you need to do is get the app and install them on your PC, get started now to save your head from fretting over tomorrow!